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Published: 2023-04-03
Photo portrait of Isaac Feinberg. Kaunas, 1908
Photographer Z. Belodubrovskis. Acc. No. VŽM 1151
Isaac Feinberg, a doctor, national adviser, and Jewish public figure, lived in Kaunas. He was a prominent doctor in Kaunas and the entire North-West Region of the Russian Empire, and served as the first head of Kaunas Red Cross Hospital (1908–1919), which was opened in 1908.
Feinberg was a member of the Kaunas Duma for more than twenty years, but in 1905 he resigned in protest of the restriction of the political and civil rights of Jews and, in particular, the deprivation of their right to take part in the election of city self-government.
Feinberg headed several Jewish charities.
The portrait of Isaac Feinberg, a cavalier of the Order of St. Vladimir of the Third Degree, was about a meter in size, and had a vertical oval frame. Its cardboard back bore a handwritten inscription in Russian saying 8 ноя. // 1908 г. (8 November 1908). On the right side of the portrait, there was the photographer's inscription in red pencil in Russian saying З. Бѣлодубровскiй // Фот. Ковна (Z. Belodubrovskis // Phot. Kaunas).
1. Фейнберг, Исаак Александрович; Еврейская энциклопедия Брокгауза и Ефрона. 1913. T.15. Internet access
https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File%3ABrockhaus_and_Efron_Jewish_Encyclopedia_15.djvu&page=100 [accessed on 14/02/2023]
2. Kaunas Clinical Hospital. Internet access
https://lietuvai.lt/wiki/Kauno_klinikin%C4%97_ligonin%C4%97 [accessed on 14/02/2023]
3. Arūnas Astramskas. Kauno gubernijos miestų savivalda 1876–1915 metais. (City self-governance in Kaunas Governorate between 1876 and 1915).Lithuanian Institute of History, Vilnius University, Vilnius, 2018. Internet access
https://www.istorija.lt/data/public/uploads/2022/08/a_-astramskas-kauno-gubernijos-miestu-savivalda-1876-1915.pdf [accessed on 14/02/2023].
Prepared by Olga Movšovič, curator of the VGMJH photography collection
© From the collections of VGMJH
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